Killing Hogs Recap

Show Notes

Nate Rozeveld and Rod Rozeveld sit down and discuss Nate's hunt for Wild hogs in Oklahoma on this week's episode of Michigan Wild. Starting the episode off Nate and Rod actually talk about turkey hunting and why it wasn't a priority to hunt Turkeys or a desirable game to pursue. Rod growing up had first hand experience with the negative impact the wild turkey had on the farmers crop and livestock. So to him and local farmers they were a nuisance and not necessary. As time has gone on the population got more in check and seemed to alleviate the stress they put on farmers' fields and danger to their livestock.  

Farms and Ranches face similar detrimental issues if they happen to be in an area that has an abundance of wild hogs. Which is exactly where Nate found himself in Oklahoma. He was invited down there by John Hudspeth from the Oklahoma Outdoors Podcast and enjoyed his time partaking in killing some hogs and bringing some meat back home.

Some of the topics discussed around the hunting trip were...

-What is the terrain like in Oklahoma

-The challenges the locals face due to the wild hogs

-Methods used for hog population control

-Recap of each successful hunt 

Finishing up the episode Nate and Rod hop into some current events focused around their spring food plot ideas. They have some new equipment they are excited to try along with their first planting of Vitalize seeds Nitroboost. 

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Looking to add a food plot or change up your food plot strategy check out and the Habitat Podcast.


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Show Transcript